Purim 5760 Quiz

  We're back with our second online Havurah Quiz. See how much you know about Purim.
  Select the correct answers by using the drop-down menus. When you are finished, click [Submit]. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see your score. The questions that you answered incorrectly will have an “x” in the box. Good luck!
  (The fine print: All answers have been thoroughly and painstakingly researched by our resident Purim specialist, Martha Brenner. Any disagreements, see her ...)

1) Why was King Ahasuerus advised to get rid of Queen Vashti? 
2) Who did Mordechai overhear plotting to assassinate the king? 
3) How did Haman choose Adar 14-15th to wipe out the Jews? 
4) What powerful object was passed from the King to Haman and, later, from the King to Mordechai? 
5) What does Mordechai tell Esther to convince her to approach the King and plead for her people? 
6) What did the King do when he couldn't sleep? 
7) At Esther's second feast, the King offers her anything she wants. What does she ask for? 
8) How did Haman contribute to his own political and personal downfall?  
9) Why do we traditionally say the names of Haman's sons in one breath? 
10) How many times are Hamantaschen mentioned in the Megillah? 
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