Member Contributions Havurat Tikvah

Havurat Tikvah is blessed by an active, creative membership. Many of our members want to share their work with you, and have provided it to us for this section. We hope that you will find something here to enjoy!

Divrei Torah

Va'era by Charlie Brown

Tetzaveh by Saul Brenner

Shemini by Joal Fischer

Tazria by Debbie Langsam

Metzora by Allen Saxe


“Online Purim Quiz” by Martha Brenner

An interactive online quiz for Purim 2000/5760.

“Online Hanukah Quiz” by Laura Duhan Kaplan & Charles Kaplan

Our first interactive online quiz which premiered for Hanukah 1999/5760.

"Beyond Holocaust Theology: Extending a Hand Across the Abyss" by Laura Duhan Kaplan

My visit to the once-vibrant Jewish community of Worms set me thinking about how my generation responds to the holocaust. I think we need to grieve for the past but learn to take risks for the future. My thoughts are expressed through a combination of personal reflections, Jewish song, and the ideas of Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas.

"Marta Garelik - A Woman of Ruach" by Jessica Schorr Saxe

A biographical piece about a remarkable woman.

Poetry by Elaine P. Millen

A selection of poetry.


Chocolate Challah

Gwen Offerdahl has baked this challah for several years as a Hanukah treat. It is delicious!

Experiencing the Whole Challah

Allen Saxe shares his secrets for baking delicious challah.

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